Ragging is strictly prohibited inside and outside the campus if Indian DHARAMVEER GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS (DGIH ) . The Anti-Ragging Committee constituted for this purpose by the Institute is empowered to take an immediate action against any untoward incident and also to counsel the fresher. Students seeking admission shall have to furnish undertaking in this regard. To enhance familiarity and to acclimatize the fresher to the academic and social environment of the campus, the institute organizes various orientation sessions in the campus of the Institute.

The student will also be required to give an undertaking in the Performa and signed by the candidate and his/her parent/guardian to the effect that he/she is aware of the Institute's approach towards ragging and the punishment to which he/she shall be liable, if found guilty ofragging.

All the students admitted under the Institute will have to observe and abide by the discipline rules prescribed by the Institute and he / she will submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Head of the Institution and other competent officers or authorities or bodies of the Institute as the case may be and in this respect he / she has to submit the declaration in the Performa at the time of admission. In case of any grievances, please email iils.siliguri@gmail.com

In view of the Resolution dated 21/02/2011 and in terms of the Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, in terms of section / Rule 6.3 (a) of the said Regulation, a Committee is being constituted which is known as "Anti Ragging Committee". In order to ensure the implementation of the policy of 'Zero Tolerance' for ragging of any candidate.