Exceptional academics to boost your ambitions guided by professional mentors and outstanding teachers.
DHARAMVEER GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS exam schedules are published for all law students & . Click below to view download details.
DGIH is shaping your career in all aspects. Apply online. For admissions and outreach, contact our college Councillor.
All The Dharamveer Colleges carry the necessary statutory and regulatory Approvals/Affiliations. Dharamveer Group is Impartingby education in different disciplines as Pharmacy,*Nursing,Teaching, Education, Computer Science, Management, Science, Commerce and Humanityes. Pharmacy Programme is approved by AICTE & PCI New Dehli And Affilated to BTE Lucknow, *Nursing Course is to be approved by INC NEW Dehli and Affilated to be UPSMF Lucknow, Teaching Education Programmes are approved By NCTE New Dehli and affiliated to M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly And all other Degree course in sphere Of Science, Computer Science, Management, Commerce & Humanties are Affilated to M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
DGIH - "The Icon of Noorpur and Bijnor Region" Along with academics, DGIH shows active participation in events and cultural activities.
Academic Programme
Various law courses for the aspirants. Now graduate and post graduate courses with excellent future scopes in advocacy. Check our courses and apply.
National Collaborations
A step by DGIH so that our students get to display their talents on a bigger ground. We truly believe that investment in knowledge is worth everything.
Our Central library
A well-furnished library with more than 5000 volumes of journals and subscription, located at the centre of the campus.
Student Amenities
From spacious classrooms, halls to hostel facilities and bus services, we like to take care of our students and be a path of their personality development.
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